Perfect PEMF

13 Amazing Benefits of Far-Infrared Therapy

Treatment for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis

Author: Dr. Muhammad Fakhar-I-Adil


Far infrared therapy, also known as FIR therapy, is a type of treatment that uses infrared radiation to penetrate deep into the body’s tissues. This type of radiation is said to have a number of health benefits, including:

Far-Infrared Radiation therapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care. While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of FIR therapy, early evidence suggests that it may be an effective way to improve overall health and well-being.

What is FIR Therapy?

Far infrared radiation therapy is a form of medical treatment that uses infrared radiation to heat body tissue. It is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a long wavelength and low frequency. Far infrared is invisible to the human eye, but it can be sensed as heat.

Far infrared radiation has many beneficial properties, including the ability to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body, providing better pain relief. It is sometimes used to treat conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, and chronic fatigue. Far infrared radiation therapy is also said to promote blood flow, and weight loss and improve skin health.

Infrared light is natural, non-invasive, completely safe, and painless. Thus, it offers a wide variety of health benefits.

How Does Far-Infrared Radiation therapy work?

The short answer is that we don’t really know for sure, but there are a few theories. One theory is that Far infrared radiation penetrates the skin and stimulates cells to release toxins. This theory is supported by the fact that many people report feeling detoxified after sessions of Far infrared radiation therapy.

Another theory is that Far infrared radiation helps to improve circulation, which in turn helps to improve overall health.

A third theory is that Far infrared radiation helps to stimulate the immune system. There is some evidence that supports this theory, including the fact that people who receive regular treatments of Far infrared radiation tend to get sick less often.

When used for medical purposes, Far-infrared radiation therapy is often delivered through a device called an FIR sauna. The FIR sauna generates far-infrared radiation that penetrates the skin and heats the tissues beneath. This can help to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Also read about pemf therapy.

Why is Far-Infrared Therapy So Popular Nowadays?

Infrared therapy is widely used in a variety of fields, including veterinary medicine, dentistry, medicine, and autoimmune illnesses. Because Far-infrared is natural and completely safe, it can be used to treat a variety of health problems, including arthritis, joint stiffness, and muscle pain, to name a few.

Infrared therapy serves a variety of functions in the human body. These include cleansing, muscular tension reduction, pain treatment, increased circulation, relaxation, weight loss, skin purification, reduced diabetes-related adverse effects, blood pressure control, and immune system stimulation.

Far-Infrared Therapy Benefits:

Far infrared therapy is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of alternative medicine, and for good reason. It has a wide range of potential health benefits, from treating chronic pain to improving heart health. Here are the top 12 benefits of far infrared therapy:

1. FIR Therapy Helps to Treat Cancer.

Far-infrared radiation (FIR) therapy is a promising treatment for cancer. FIR therapy uses light waves to heat up the body and kill cancer cells. It does not cause any pain or side effects.

Studies have shown that Far-infrared radiation can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It also helps to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Far-infrared is safe and effective and can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other treatments.

2. It Can Help Improve Circulation.

One of the top benefits of far infrared radiation therapy is that it can help improve circulation. When blood circulation is improved, the body is better able to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues and organs. This can help improve overall health and vitality. Additionally, improved circulation can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

3. It Can Help Reduce Inflammation.

One of the main benefits of Far infrared radiation therapy is that it can help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is often the root cause of a number of health problems, so reducing inflammation can help improve overall health.

Far-infrared does this by penetrating deep into the tissue, which helps to activate the lymphatic system and increase blood flow. This helps to remove toxins and waste products from the cells, which reduces inflammation.

4. It Can Help Improve Joint Function.

One of the main benefits of far infrared radiation therapy is that it can help improve joint function. This is because Far-Infrared Radiation therapy helps to reduce inflammation and improve circulation.

When inflammation and circulation are improved, it helps to reduce the pain and stiffness that often accompanies joint problems.

5. It Can Help Improve Skin Health.

One of the main benefits of Far infrared radiation therapy is that it can help improve skin health. The therapy can help increase blood flow and circulation to the skin, which can help improve skin tone and complexion.

It can also help reduce inflammation and swelling, which can help improve the appearance of scars and blemishes.

6. It Can Help Promote Weight Loss.

There is some evidence that FIR therapy may help promote weight loss. One study found that Far infrared was effective in reducing body weight, waist circumference, and hip circumference. The study participants also had a decrease in serum cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

7. It Can Help Improve Sleep Quality.

There is some evidence that FIR therapy may help improve sleep quality. One study found that Far infrared therapy was able to improve the quality of sleep in elderly people. The study found that Far infrared therapy was able to increase the amount of time spent in deep sleep and decrease the amount of time spent in light sleep.

Another study found that FIR therapy was able to decrease the number of times people woke up during the night and increase the total amount of sleep time.

8. It Can Help Improve Energy Levels.

Far infrared therapy has been shown to help improve energy levels. By penetrating deep into the tissue, Far-infrared helps increase blood circulation and cell metabolism. This in turn helps improve energy levels and overall vitality.

9. It Can Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety Levels.

Far infrared therapy has been found to help reduce depression and anxiety levels. This is likely due to the fact that FIR therapy helps to improve blood circulation and promote relaxation. Additionally, Far-infrared therapy may help to reduce inflammation, which is often associated with depression and anxiety.

One study found that FIR therapy was able to decrease levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that is released in response to stress. Additionally, Far-infrared therapy has been shown to increase levels of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is associated with mood stability.

10. It Can Help Improve Cognitive Function.

There is some evidence that FIR therapy may help improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that exposure to FIR can help to improve mental clarity, focus, and attention span.

One study found that FIR therapy improved cognitive function in elderly patients with dementia. The researchers believe that the FIR therapy helped to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation, both of which may have helped to improve cognitive function.

11. It Is a Safe and Non-Invasive Treatment Option.

FIR therapy is a type of treatment that uses Far Infrared Rays to penetrate the skin. This type of therapy is safe and non-invasive, making it a popular choice for those looking for relief from pain and other conditions.

Additionally, it is also a painless treatment option. The therapy can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including chronic pain, cancer, and infertility.

12. FIR Therapy for Trauma

Far infrared therapy has been found to be beneficial for treating trauma. In a study of 48 participants, it was found that those who received far infrared therapy showed significant improvement in their symptoms, compared to those who did not.

The benefits of far infrared therapy for treating trauma include reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and reducing pain. Additionally, far infrared therapy can help to speed up the healing process. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event, consider trying far infrared therapy.

13. It Detoxifies the Body.

Far infrared therapy has many benefits, one of which is its ability to detoxify the body. By gently warming the body, FIR therapy helps to increase blood circulation and lymph flow. This improved circulation helps to flush toxins out of the cells and tissues, which can help improve overall health and well-being.

FIR therapy promotes sweating. The heat from FIR therapy helps to open up the pores, which allows the sweat to escape. This helps to remove toxins from the body.

In the Bottom Line

Far-infrared therapy has a host of potential benefits, from weight loss and pain relief to better skin health. The key is to find the right device and use it regularly for the best results. If you’re looking for an all-around healthy way to improve your life, far-infrared therapy may be worth considering.

  1. Shui, S., Wang, X., Chiang, J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2015). RETRACTED: Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review. Experimental biology and medicine240(10), 1257-1265.
  2. Vatansever, F., & Hamblin, M. R. (2012). Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Photonics & lasers in medicine1(4), 255-266.
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