List price $159
Your price $143.10
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Size: 18″ x 18″ x 1.2″ (45 cm x 45 cm x 3 cm)
Weight: 4 lbs (2 kg)
Controller: LED with time and temperature settings, automatic timer for 20 minutes off cycle
EMF Protection: Advanced filtration system and extra EMF-blocking layers

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy: Schumann Primary Resonant Frequency of 7.83 Hz, 3000 milligauss intensity, Bi-phasic bursts of PEMF. These settings simulate the Earth’s magnetic field, which is compatible with our biorhythms.
Far Infrared Heat Therapy: Yes
Temperature: Mat Surface temperature of up to a maximum of 55 degrees Celsius
FIR wavelengths: at least 5-14 um, deep penetrating
Negative Ions Therapy: Yes, the negative ions are emitted naturally from gemstones.
Negative Ion Level: 1500/cc + per minute

Number of layers: up to 21 functional layers.
Voltage: 110-120V, 90W
EMF Protection: industry-leading double isolation wiring that blocks EMF and places it between two layers of EMF-filtering copper mesh.
HealthyLine has worked to make over 500,000 customers happy. Since 2012, they have been extending their passion for wellness to the public. To show that they truly care for their customers, they offer a 365-day warranty. I have complete confidence that you will love their products. All mats are carefully hand-made by highly qualified specialists. Then, every component is tested at different stages of manufacturing. Mats are tested for 35 points including zero EMF, heat level, heating time, weight, packaging, quality of gemstones, the number of layers, the level of negative ions, far-infrared, and several other measurement tests. PEMF is tested too. After being shipped from the factory to their warehouse, they may test a mat again before shipping it to customers. A box may appear to have been opened because they re-checked the product,
- 90-day trial satisfaction guarantee: You can return it for any reason (in the same new condition) and get 100% money back; you only pay the shipping cost.
- 1-year full warranty
- 5-year extended warranty included for controller
Lifetime Trade-in:
HealthyLine offers the world’s best lifetime trade-in policy. Regardless of your mat’s condition, you can always send it to them as a trade-in for a new purchase and use half of its original price for the same model (or better). So, even if you damage your mat, it will never become worthless.
Lifetime Upgrade:
If you decide you want a superior mat, send in your current one. As long as your mat is in good condition, you will receive a credit equal to its original value. This credit will be put towards your new purchase of one or more items if the purchase is at least twice the value of the mat you send back.
Model Number: TAO Mat Full 7224
List Price: $159
But you don’t have to pay that much. If you order by clicking the button below and entering this code lp10s you will get 10% off, plus free shipping.
Your Price is $143.10
Lowest Price Anywhere!
No risk 45-day trial
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